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Cenderawasih Pos, 13 July 2007
Slightly abridged (Clipping just received) Cenderawasih Pos, 13 July 2007 Slightly abridged
(Clipping just received)

Military commender tells his men to 'Anticipate Separatists'

With the regional assembly (DPRP) now preparing to issue a regulation about
cultural symbols, such as the Morning Star, the song Hai Tanahku Papua some
time this month, the Commander of Korem 172/PWY, Colonel Burhaniddin
Siagian, said that the DPRP and the MRP should 'act wisely' bearing in mind
that the Morning Star flag, Tanahku Papua and the Mambruk bird symbol were
not regional cultural symbols but symbols of separatism. A wrong decision
would not be good for the unity of the Republic of Indonesia.


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